  • 期刊


Discussion of Popular New Vocabularies in Taiwan(2010-2014)


在語言學的範疇中,語音、詞彙、語法三者都會隨著時代社會的變遷 而轉換改變,其中又以詞彙的變化速度最快,不斷有流行新詞誕生,而這些流行新詞有的曇花一現,有的卻歷久靡衰。觀察分析一個流行新詞的產生與被廣泛使用的情形,是語言學研究或詞彙學研究不能忽視的一環。本文收集的語料,主要是2010-2014年流行於台灣的新詞,就其產生原因,可歸納為反映時事、網友互動、吸收外來詞語、舊詞變裝而來的新詞等四大類。分析這些新詞之所以興起流行的因素,不外乎具有形象生動活潑、與新聞事件關係密切、詞意貼近鄉民心聲等特點。至於對流行新詞的評價,歷來有不同的立場與見解。嚴謹的學術論文、正式的會議場合,自然不適合某些詞語,但是在年輕活潑、氣象萬千的網路世界、日常溝通交流的管道,流行新詞的興衰,就交給時間、交給使用者去淘選,不必急於一時下結論定褒貶。相信,這其中有些新詞,會因為有足夠的特色與時代意義,而被收進新編的辭典之中,占有一席之地。


In the field of linguistics, phones, vocabularies and grammar all changed as time goes by. Vocabularies change the faster among all of them because they are being created constantly. Some of the trendy words are like a flash in a pan, others, however, are enduring. Analysis on the production of new words and whether they are widely used is a conspicuous part of linguistics and lexicology research. The corpus of this article is mainly consists of the new vocabularies which were popular between 2010 and 2014 in Taiwan. The reasons can be distributed into four categories, they are reflections of current affairs, interactions between netizens, vocabularies come from foreign users and vocabularies transformed from existed ones. Analyzing the factors in making them popular, they are nothing else but vocabularies of vivid image, closely related to news, close to the thought of netizen. As for the comments on popular new vocabularies, there have always been different understandings and meanings. Some of the new vocabularies, as a matter of course do not fit exact dissertation or formal conference. We do not have to be anxious to pass a judgement on new vocabularies. Just let them be weeded by users in the new lively Internet world and day-to-day communication tunnel. It is to be believed that some of them may be put into new edited dictionaries for their characteristics and significant meaning.
