  • 期刊


The Environmental Dynamics of Taiwanese Constitutional Changes during the Period of Mobilization for Suppressing Communist Rebellion for the 15th Anniversary of the Wild Lily Students' Movement


顧名思義,本文所要討論的課題為戰後動員戡亂時期台灣的憲法變遷。〈動員戡亂時期臨時條款〉是此一時期的最高憲法文本,其制訂或修正,皆係針對中國共產黨的叛亂所為者,但另一方面,隨著中國國民黨政府而移入台灣的動員戡亂體制,則因動員戡亂時期的延續,造就了國民黨在台灣的威權統治。 但本文則認為,〈動員戡亂時期臨時條款〉的變遷,根本上還是受到世界冷戰結構下中美台三角關係和台灣內部政經情勢的變化的環境動力所制約的。本文即嘗試描述與說明此一命題。


This research is a review of the whole postwar history of the Taiwanese constitutional changes during the period of the authoritarian regime's transition. The supreme constitutional text was the Temporary Provisions Effective during the Period of mobilization for Suppressing Communist Rebellion. The passing and postponing of the Temporary Provisions Effective during the Period of Communist Rebellion were for the building of the Mobilization and Repression institutions, and then the Kuomingtang's authoritarian governance was immigrated in Taiwan. In my opinion, the Taiwanese constitutional changes during the period of the Communist Rebellion were dominated ultimately by the environmental dynamics along with the relationship among Mainland China, USA and Taiwan under the world cold war structure. This research wants to describe and explain the reason for the proposition.


