  • 期刊


Intergovernmental Cooperation in Public Crisis Management System: A Taiwan-Case Study of Disastrous Water Shortage in Taoyuan Country


在我國高度都市化的密集發展下,任何形式的公共危機都會直接或間接的損害到該地區和周遭地區的發展和民眾生命的財產損失,因此面對公共危機的管理自然會形成跨越地方和部門的「府際」問題。另外,在面對一個資源有限但問題無窮的現實情況下,如何對資源進行整合,針對問題有效準確的進行打擊,亦需要府際合作的技術進行統籌規劃。所以,完整且良善的公共危機處理過程,除了需要完備的危機管理策略外,實有賴於中央與地方、政府部門之間的相互配合與協調,並且建立一個良好的溝通平台,榮辱與共。 因此本文藉桃園地區前後2004到2005年間,因艾利與瑪莎兩次颱風過後所造成的災害性缺水事件作爲個案,觀察在一個具有政策連續影響性的危機事件中,我國現行公共危機管理的策略以及府際合作的內涵、現況爲何,並對未來如何強化透過府際合作的方式進行公共危機的管理做出建議。


Under the intensive development of high urbanization in our country, all forms of public crisis do direct or indirect damages not only to the development of certain area and its surrounding areas but to the inhabitants' lives and properties. Therefore, the public crisis management tends to cause ”inter-governmental” problems which cover several areas and departments. In addition, under the realistic situation with limited resources and endless problems, it takes the technique of inter-governmental cooperation to make the overall plans for issues such as how to integrate resources and how to solve problems in an effective and precise way. Therefore, a complete and perfect dealing process of the public crisis includes complete strategies of crisis management, the inter-governmental cooperation and negotiation between central and local governments, and the establishment of a perfect communication platform which makes the governmental departments share the honor and disgrace together. As a result, the essay attempts to understand the current inter-governmental contents and situation with present strategies of the public crisis management by examining the disastrous water crisis happening in Taoyuan. It also provides advices on how to enhance the public crisis management through inter-governmental cooperation.
