  • 期刊


The Analysis of Korean Enterprises' Choices and after Changes of Investment Locations




Contrary to the conservative approach of Taiwanese enterprises under the ”no haste, be patient” policy, Korean enterprises' cross-border investments in China have been aggressive and prosperous under the encouragement of Korean government. Since these investments link to the development of Korean-Chinese economic connections, this research is to explore Korean enterprises' choices and after changes of investment locations. By doing so, it's expected to recognize the origins, changes and the meanings shown. This paper considers choices and after changes of investment locations relate to the interaction between the foreign enterprises and the host country (locations). To Korean enterprises, the decisions will base on the needs for their survival and development. The size of enterprises, industrial characteristics, and the variations of different developmental stages are important variables to this issue. China, as a host country, will change its attitudes and conditions to foreign enterprises when the needs for economic development change. Therefore, the movement of Korean enterprises' cross-border investments from Bohai Rim region to Yangtze River Delta region doesn't only characterize the changes of entities of Korean enterprises, but also the results of economic development of various areas in China.


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