  • 期刊


The Relationship between Anxiety and Heart Rate Variability in Patients Receiving Cardiac Catheterization


心率變異為自主神經系統調控與預測心血管疾病預後或致死率的一個生理指標。本相關性研究目的在探討接受心導管檢查前病人的心率變異及焦慮之關係,於南台灣某醫學中心以立意取樣在取得參與研究同意書後,共收案42位接受心導管檢查的病人。在心導管檢查前2-12小時採用具信效度的兩個工具測量,分別是情境與特質焦慮量表及心律掃描器,並利用SPSS 10.0版之微軟軟體進行皮爾森積差相關及t檢定統計進行研究結果分析。本研究結果發現心導管檢查前心率變異的低頻與特質焦慮量表得分呈正相關(r=.30,p=.03)。在特質焦慮量表得分方面女性顯著高於男性(t=-2.44,p=.019),而在情境焦慮量表方面則無統計學上顯著差異。本研究發現接受心導管檢查的病人有較高的交感神經調控及特質焦慮,因此,未來適時提供護理介入措施是重要的,以降低病人心導管檢查前的焦慮及其自主神經系統之調控。


心導管檢查 心率變異 焦慮


Heart rate variability (HRV) is an indicator of the condition of the autonomic nervous system and a predictor of prognosis or mortality among patients with cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between HRV and anxiety among patients receiving cardiac catheterization. A correlation study was conducted in a cardiovascular unit at a medical center in southern Taiwan. Forty-two subjects were recruited by convenience sampling after giving written consent. Two valid and reliable instruments, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Heart Rhythm Scanner, were used between two and 12 hours before cardiac catheterization. Data were analyzed through Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients and t-tests using SPSS/W 10.0. There were significantly positive correlations between low frequency of HRV and scores for trait anxiety before cardiac catheterization (r=.30, p=.03). The scores for trait anxiety in women were significantly higher than those in men (t=-2.44, p=.019), but those for state anxiety were not (t=-0.37, p=.713). This meant that patients receiving cardiac catheterization had significantly higher sympathetic activity and trait anxiety than those not receiving. Prompt interventions are crucial to reduce patients’ anxiety pre-cardiac catheterization and modulating their autonomic nervous system.


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