  • 期刊


Task-Specific Cortical Control Associated with Force Increment and Decrement during Finger Force Production


本研究探討對於在相同力量變化率之下,針對力量的上升與下降過程中,比較力量誤差與牽制力量之影響,藉由不同手指之間的施力行為與大腦電位分析,並透過動作準備期來區分動作策略開始與施力輸出開始間大腦動作電位之反應關聯性。實驗對象為13名大學生,針對右手四指手指之力量輸出,並於特定力量變化率進行等長收縮之增減控制。本研究之實驗以不同之施力變化率及升降施力情境,並分為四個力量分期,每分期均耗時1秒鐘,每次試作歷時4秒鐘,依施力時間順序分別為力量準備、力量上升、力量維持與力量升降轉換。研究結果發現在施力行為之力量誤差方面,四指中以食指之誤差最小;無名指之誤差最大,且四指之力量下降期的力量誤差皆高於力量上升期。在牽制力量方面,以食指的牽制力最小、獨立性最高;無名指的牽制力較最大、依賴性最高;此外,無論在上升情境或下降情境中,主要施力手指之鄰指皆有較高的牽制力量。在腦波電位結果方面,四指當中以食指與中指有較高之腦波電位量;相反地,無名指與小指的放電量較低。本研究將腦波區分為六個時間成分(BP, MP1, MP2, MMP1, MMP2, MMP3),以二因子相依樣本變異數進行統計分析後發現,力量開始時期腦波放電量會高於動作開始時期,而在力量輸出前期腦波達到最高之電位峰值。在力量轉換期當中,力量下降情境之動作電位較力量上升情境要高,此結果說明在以相同力量變化率之下,力量上升與下降過程中,手指施力之動作電位在力量誤差與牽制力量存有特定之神經控制機制。


手指 牽制力量 力量轉換 腦波


In this research we used the same rate of force development (RFD), focusing on the effects of force error and force enslaving among different fingers associated with cortical potentials during force increment and decrement. The force preparatory phase to distinguish the response of EEG relation between initiation of motor strategy and initiation of force was used. Experimental subjects were 13 college students. They were asked to place their four fingers of right hand to perform the task by either increasing or decreasing finger force on specific rate of force development. For both tasks, after one-second of force preparation phase, the increment task produced force with increasing way and the decrement task had to generated force with high rate of force and then to decrease force. Two tasks were divided into four one-second force phases, which were force preparation, force ramp, force static and force transition phase. The results were found, in force error, the index finger had least force error whereas the ring finger had most force error, and there were more error in force decrement than that of force increment in all four fingers. In force enslaving, the index finger was more independent whereas the ring finger was least. The effect of enslaving was more obvious on the finger directly adjacent to the master finger for both increment and decrement tasks. In results of EEG, the index finger displayed the larger motor-related cortical potential (MRCP) amplitude whereas the ringer finger displayed smaller. For the six components of MRCP (BP, MP1, MP2, MMP1, MMP2, MMP3), the amplitude of MP2 was more pronounced than that of MP1, and with higher amplitude in the MMP1. In terms of force transition, there was higher amplitude of MRCP in the force decrement than that of force increment. Proving with the same RFD, the amplitude of MRCP during force increment and decrement were associated with the force error as well as force enslaving.


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