  • 期刊


Divided Government and Political Systems Rethinking Semi-Presidential Systems


在當代政治學的研究中,分立政府是個關鍵議題,學者對於分立政府研究起於美國二次大戰以來,各級政府頻繁出現分立政府的實際現象,其涉及了民主政治不同層次的次領域,包括憲政規範、政府體制、選舉制度、投票行為,甚至影響了公共政策的樣貌。本文透過與美國政治學者Giovanni Sartori的對話,從政府體制層次探討分立政府議題。本文認為總統制的權力分立會隨著分立政府容易造成行政權與立法權的對峙,但是若改為議會內閣制又因為缺乏相關政黨體系與制度規範,反而流於會議制而難以運行。相較之下,半總統制基於權力共用,藉由制度隨著國會多數組合變更而擺動,解決雙元權力結構面對分裂多數的問題。


In modern political sciences research, the issues of divided government are the critical one. It is because that this issue involves democratic stability and political legitimacy. Most researches focuses on different perspectives to analysis this issue, including voting behavior, electoral systems, party systems, democracy theory and so on. Based on the Giovanni Sartori's study of form of government, this paper would like to discuss the relationships between divided government issue and political systems change. This paper argues that the phenomena of divided government in U.S. come from constitutional design and voter's emotional spilt-ticket voting behaviors. Furthermore, the divided government would easily cause deadlock and stalemate between government and parliaments. this paper thinks that semi-presidential systems could reduce deadlock and stalemate through head-shifting mechanism, which could solve the problems from dual democratic legitimacy.


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