  • 期刊


A Survey of Service Gap in Furniture Industry by Taiwan Issue


隨著客製化商品的興盛,與各式行銷手法的演進,Schmitt於1999年提出的體驗行銷(Experience Marketing)於全球的各行各業如雨後春筍地展開。其中,由於傢俱業的大型、高價、客製化需求程度高的特色,體驗行銷在傢俱業中更為常見,而體驗行銷重視消費者在賣場體驗之整體服務,故對於服務缺口的了解與調查有其必要性,了解消費者對服務的期待與實質感受到的服務之間的落差,方能提供業者『對症下藥』地規劃體驗行銷之服務內容。因此,本文期翼藉由對南台灣地區消費者對於傢俱賣場的需求調查;南台灣地區消費者於傢俱賣場消費之服務缺口分析之調查。提供業者相關行銷方案之參考。本文藉由因素分析,在消費者重視的傢俱業服務項目中,萃取出7個主要因素,本文將7個因素依次分別命名為:『價格優惠因素』、『動線因素』、『工安衞因素』、『客製化設計因素』、『服務因素』、『附加設備因素』、『體驗行銷因素』。


With the prosperity of the customized commodity and the evolution of various marketing strategies, experience marketing, which Schmittt proposed in 1999, mushroomed among all walks of trades and occupations all around the globe. After all, due to the characteristics of being large-scaled, high-priced, and highly-customized, experiencing marketing is mostly seen in the furniture industry; moreover, experiencing marketing emphasized the integral service for consumers, realizing and investigating the service shortage absolutely matters. For the sake of understanding the real gap between the consumers' anticipations of service and realistic experience itself, this study attempts to provide the ”act appropriately to the situation” for dealers to outline the service content.Thus, the study aspires to investigate the demand and service limitation of the furniture trading fields for consumers in the south of Taiwan so as to offer the reference for relative marketing projects. This article advances eight main factors, by the factor analysis, among the service items in furniture industries, which consumers emphasize considerably. The study distinguishes the seven factors, whose naming is in turn: ”the price preferential benefit factor”, ”the route factor”, ”the industrial safety and health factor”, ”the customized design factor”, ”the service factor”, ”the additional equipment factor”, ”the experience marketing factor”.


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