  • 期刊

Behavioral Integrity and Decision-Making: A Scenario Approach





The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of behavioral integrity between veteran managers and business students. Behavioral integrity, the consistency of an individual's words and deeds, is a virtue and a component of effective leadership. What is the direction of this virtuous formation? Does an individual's behavioral integrity ”deteriorate” with time, or, can integrity be learned? This study utilized three scenarios covering different characters, positions, and roles in business settings. We arranged the Scenarios so that the situation itself contained the ”words.” The ”deeds” according to the promises made in the scenarios were placed within the four choices. A total of 353 people, including 152 college business students and 201 seasoned firm managers participated in the survey. Managers processed higher behavioral integrity than the students exhibited. An individual's awareness of immediate surroundings and experiences in social contracting process within relevant contexts strengthened one's behavioral integrity if the surrounding environment was healthy. It is often believed that students are naïve whereas managers are more sophisticated. Through a social contracts perspective, we propose the opposite. Our findings suggested that the formation of integrated behavior of managers is the product of learning within and among their groups over time. Additionally, education in business schools will be valuable to recognize the implication of this social contracting process by providing students with more thoughtful, real-life lessons. This study focused on behavioral integrity, an important factor of effective leadership, by employing the perspective of social contracts. Moreover, this study highlighted that the formation of action codes under immediate surroundings influenced group members, and the importance of building healthy layers of environmental influences on an individual's behavioral integrity are critical for success.


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