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A university Teacher's Reflection on Action Research in Early Childhood Multicultural Education


本研究為研究者於不同工作及求學階段(技術學院講師兼附設托兒所所長、大學講師、及博士班學生),在「幼兒多元文化教育」理念的影響下,針對理解新移民女性家庭處境所進行之行動研究。研究資料主要蒐集時間從2004年起到2007年為止,資料來源包括研究者承辦花蓮地區新移民女性成長課程、主講幼稚園教師之新移民女性家庭研習、承接內政部兒童局外籍配偶子女啓蒙方案(到府閱讀活動)接受多元文化研究所博士班「行動研究與多元文化教育」課程等方案進行中,所碰到的人、事、物等相關資料。研究者因為實做、進修、寫作、反思,得以有機會重新思考自己身為幼兒教育師資培育的大學教師及多元文化教育研究所博士班學生,應負的社會責任。最後得以深切反省自己所設計「到府閱讀方案」的設計是缺乏多元文化教育觀,對於移民女性家庭增能也有限。這樣的反省的力量,主要來自於一篇寫不出的博士班作業,經由再次閱讀「多元文化教育」及實踐取向的「行動研究」相關理論,研究者得以重新思考自己做為一位大學教師未來可以努力實踐社會公義的樣貌。在此行動研究的歷程中,研究者不斷計畫、行動、觀察、和自我反省。當習慣服從權威及與使用權威的研究者,在跌跌撞撞的行動研究歷程中,卻開始有機會培養自己未來對於社會的不公與不義,有更多的能力、更有勇氣與智慧去批判與行動。本研究將蒐集到的資料,使用三角交叉法檢核相關資料,得到以下的結論。 一、幼兒園教育工作者除了可以透過閱讀、還課、學習語言等各種方式,讓自己增能,學習接受各種不同的文化,進而與新移民家庭建立合作夥伴的關係。並可透過檢視自己教室內的環境佈置、教學方式與課程內容,幼教工作者最後可以了解多元文化教育的實踐,其實就在自己教室每一天的生活當中。 二、研究者本身,執行政府方案時,要能學習更尊重新移民女性家庭真正的需求,並思考彼此增能的可能性。並隨時提醒自己身為「轉化型的知識份子」的重要性,要有勇氣面對自己的不足後。


The purpose of this action research is to describe how the researcher learned to understand the situation of the families of married immigrants. In different stages of work and study (2004-2007), the researcher had chances to keep in contact with married immigrants' families in Hualien, by carrying on a Head Start Program for four married immigrants, taking a course on ”Multicultural Education and Action Research” in graduate school, and transacting the projccts of early childhood multicultural education. These three activities helped the researcher to look back, take action, reflect on actions, study again, and finally look forward to seeing the possibilities of fulfilling early childhood multicultural education goals in the future. It was a very difficult process for the researcher to face the apprehension and deficiency in research ethics. However, the researcher really became free and felt empowerment in the cycle of the reflection on this three-year action research. By using triangulation, the researcher draws two conclusions: First, early childhood educators may become teachers who carry on multicultural education in their own classroom by reading related books and articles, by learning languages, or by communicating with married immigrants' families. Second, the researcher, as a university teacher, should remind herself of the important concept of teachers as intellecturals. The process of the action research helps the researcher to be aware of how she became accustomed to authority, and did not see much effect of authority on herself. In the future, this researcher expects to have much more courage and ability to face unrighteousness in our society on the issue of married immigrants' families, particularly their children.


