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Podcasting and Improving College Students' Oral Reading Fluency



本研究探討實施播客教學是否能有效提升大學生的英語朗讀流暢度。播客閱讀課程設計融合重覆朗讀與朗讀示範的教學策略,於播客分享平台提供學習者主題式課程。課程進行期間,學習者利用播客隨時聆聽課程、重覆演練,並上傳朗讀錄音檔,外籍教師針對朗讀部分給予回饋與評分。本研究採用「個案研究法」與「時間序列設計」,研究對象為兩位英語系的大學生以及一位非英語系的大學生。研究者蒐集三名參與者於基線期、介入期和維持期之錄音檔案,研究者進一步以目視分析與時間序列C統計對此資料進行分析。另外,研究者蒐集訪談紀錄以及課後學習者反省日誌等質性資料加以分析以瞭解播客教學課程對三名參與者之朗讀流暢度的影響,以及對課程的看法。研究結果顯示,二位英語系學生接受播客主題式課程後,其朗讀流暢度有所提升,三位學生對播客教學課 程持有正向的態度。本研究亦依據研究結果提出建議,供未來研究者及教學者參考。


Podcasting involves preparing, creating and publishing audio and video files that can be downloaded via the Internet, and played on personal computers, iPods or similar devices. Students can benefit from listening to podcasts and reading along, while a fluent native speaker models a reading, and then emulating this model as they read the same text orally themselves. Using a qualitative case study method combined with a simplified time-series analysis based on the C-statistic and a visual inspection, we investigated the impact of podcasting on EFL (English as a Foreign Language) undergraduate students' oral reading fluency, in terms of expression and volume, phrasing, smoothness, pace, and participants' attitudes toward the podcast program itself. All three learners benefitted from participation in the program, to different extents across its three phrases (baseline, treatment and maintenance). Specifically, the two undergraduate English majors improved their oral reading proficiency, and all three learners reported having positive attitudes toward the podcast program in general after its completion. The current study informs EFL instructors looking to integrate podcasting into their reading and listening instruction, especially those doing so with a view to enhancing students' oral reading fluency.
