  • 期刊


Curriculum Design of Social Reconstructionism: Take Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) As an Example


近半世紀以來,由於科技日新月異、各種社會問題叢生,教育學者認為學校教育應不再只是扮演協助學生社會化的角色而已,而應以培養學生具有處理社會事務、改革社會陋習、問題與爭議的能力為目的,因而社會重建主義的課程理論乃應運而生。本研究的主要目的旨在針對社會重建主義的課程理論加以探討,包括社會重建主義的主張與緣起、理論基礎及在課程設計上的意涵等。另外,由於「社會性科學議題」的教學近來頗受到關注,而其論點實與社會重建主義的課程主張不謀而合,因此,本文乃以「是否續建核四廠」此一社會性科學議題,融入高中物理「認識核能電廠」此一 單元為例,並以課程設計的目標模式方式(課程目標->課程選擇->課程組織->課程評鑑),說明如何進行社會重建主義的課程設計。


Due to technology growing with times and various social issues in this half a century, education scholars believe that education not only helps students to socialization, but also helps them have the ability to deal with social affair, problems and arguments, and correct the bad habits, thus, here comes curriculum design of social reconstructionism. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the theories of social reconstructionism, including its viewpoint and origin, theoretical basis and the meaning of the curriculum design. Besides, the teaching of socio-scientific issues has received much attention recently, and it just meets the viewpoint with the curriculum design. Hence, this research will combine the socio-scientific issue "whether continue to build nuclear four plants" in high school physics curriculum, and take it as an example and use the objective model of curriculum design to illustrate how curriculum design of social reconstructionism works.
