  • 期刊


Exploring the Skill of the Releasing of Wrist of the Elite Female College Golf Players


將球擊得遠,是選手或是參與高爾夫運動者,所積極追求的目標之一,桿頭的速度絕對是最能直接反應距離遠近的重要因素。許多國外文獻指出,手腕延遲釋放是能夠增加桿頭速度因素之一。但是,國內目前尚無針對腕部釋放技巧做一探討。所以本研究目的爲探討6位優秀大專女子高爾夫選手(21.8±1.3歲)在下桿過程中其腕部釋放時間點。以Vicon動作分析系統和7部高速攝影機(F=250 f/s)進行實驗操作,以EXCEL軟體計算非慣用手(左手)手掌相對於前臂座標軸的角速度數據並以平均數與標準差呈現。結果顯示國內6位優秀大專女子選手其下桿至擊球點時間範圍爲264~308 ms,平均287±20 ms;腕部釋放點時間範圍爲擊球前152~220 ms,平均185±34 ms。


高爾夫 腕部釋放 動作技巧


To enhance distance of the ball for players or the persons who participates in golf sport is the goal pursued actively. In theories, many foreign studies have been indicated that the releasing of wrist technique during downswing will enhance club head speed at impact. However, to date, the skill of the releasing of wrist does not have been discussed in Taiwan. So the purpose of this research is to explore the timing of wrist releasing point to impact point of six elite college female golfers (21.8±1.3 yrs). The Vicon 3D motion analysis system and seven high speed cameras (F=250 f/s) are used in this study. By using EXCEL 2003 for windows to analyze the angular speed that the wrist hand is opposite to forearm reference axis and presented with the mean value and the standard value. The result indicated that the downswing time is 264~308 ms, average 287±20 ms; the time of releasing of wrist before impact is 152~220 ms,average 185±34 ms.


Golf Wrist Technique
