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Outsourcing Management of School Swimming Pools in the ROT and OT Types


本研究旨在解析我國學校游泳池以 ROT 與 OT 方式委外經營之成功因素,並探討委外經營後產生之問題困難與解決策略。以擁有室內外游泳池並成功委外經營之各級公立學校共 42 所,相關之行政人員 42 位 (大專校院 2 位、高中職 14 位、國中 9 位及國小 17 位) 及業者負責人 26 位為研究對象。利用文件分析法及訪談調查法蒐集資料,並以次數分配、互動模式與類屬分析方法處理。研究結果發現,學校之主動積極及學校位置合適與人口結構水準高之良好市場條件因素,為促使 ROT 方式委外經營之重要關鍵。地方稅款繳交及游泳教學政策不落實影響業者營收,為 ROT 方式委外後之主要困難,應以修改地方稅法減免規定及政府補助經費之策略解決。另OT 方式委外經營之成功因素,則以地點合適之良好市場條件及設備新穎為主要考量因素。在 OT 方式委外經營之學校中,主要問題為游泳池老舊設計不良增加業者經營成本,解決策略為規劃以 ROT 方式委外及與校方溝通協調尋求協助。結論顯示,足夠居民人口數之市場條件及積極之行政配合態度,為學校游泳池委外經營之成功因素,應作為學校游泳池委外經營之重要參考依據。委外經營後須以互信互惠之公私夥伴關係理論為基礎,雙方共同協力解決經營所面臨之問題困難。


This study analyzed the success factors, difficulties, and solutions associated with outsourcing the management of school swimming pools according to the ROT and OT types. A total of 42 administrative staff members of public schools with outsourced swimming pools (2 from universities, 14 from senior high schools, 9 from junior high schools, and 17 from primary schools) and 26 dealers working for outsourcing companies served as the subjects in this study. Document analysis and interviews were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics, interactive mode, and categorization were used as instruments for data analysis. The results revealed that the success factors of the ROT type were the positive attitude of school administration, a suitable school location, and high local population levels. Amendments to the local tax policy and government subsidies were the solutions to the problems of the schools applying the ROT type. The success factors of the OT type were a suitable school location and new swimming pool facilities. The adoption of the ROT type and effective communication between schools and dealers were the solutions for schools applying the OT type. In conclusion, a large population size and positive administration attitude are the key factors contributing to the success of outsourcing the management of school swimming pools. The results can serve as a valuable reference for schools considering outsourcing the management of swimming pools. Schools and dealers should cooperate based on public-private partnership theory to solve their differences.


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