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Did the Boss Pay Too Much?: A Determinant Model for Basketball Players' Contract Value: Empirical Evidence from the National Basketball Association




Purpose: Because of the enormous popularity of US professional basketball (particularly the National Basketball Association, or NBA), numerous teams compete to sign large contracts with the most valuable players. This phenomenon causes doubt as to whether the owners of these teams are paying their players too much. When a team owner pays a large sum for a player contract but the player does not majorly benefit the team in that season, the owner becomes a "Head of Injustice." Methods: This study employs multiple regression analysis to investigate the relationship between US NBA basketball players' performance and contract value from the 2015-2016 to 2018-2019 seasons. Results: Our empirical results reveal that an NBA player's contract value is significantly correlated with his performance as measured using his player efficiency rating, estimated wins added, and real plus minus.


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