

According to the current computing method of individual income tax, when the year-end bunus are paid one-time in a month of a year, more individual income tax will be paid than the bounus being paid monthly. Besides, at the same time there are 6 bonus traps which will lead to the decrease of taxpayer's income. Focus on this, to adjust the proportion of current year-end pay againest nest year's deferred payment or to get a better year-end bonus tax computing method may help to solve this problem. As for the latter one, many people believe that year-end bonus should be taxed by distributing the total amount to 12 month for seperately taxing and then add them together. However, it may go againest to the original design intention to narrow down people's income gap. A better solution is to redesign the income tax formula from the prospective of regarding the annual income as a whole.


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Regulations for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China [EB/OL]. http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2011-07/27/content_1914702.htm, 2011-9-1.
Related officials of State Administration of Taxation answer the three major questions in implementing the new tax law.[EB/OL]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2011-08/13/c_121855045.htm,2011-8-13
State Administration of Taxation: notice about adjusting the computation method of yearly one-time bonus tax.[EB/OL]. http://www.chinatax.gov.cn/n8136506/n8136593/n8137681/n11620715/n11649202/11649918.html, 2005-1-21
Anonymity. Bonus given 1 yuan more, tax may pay 1000 yuan more.[EB/OL]. http://cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2011-12/09/content_1472394.htm,2011-12-9.
