  • 期刊


The Construction of Post-urban Poetry Theories By Lin Yao-de




In the waves of literary writing promoted by Lin Yao de, ”Urban Literature” is undoubtedly the most profound issue with the greatest depth. In the age of globalization with the collapse of antiquated value systems, urbanized lifestyles, infusion of ideas and grass root nature, the disappearance of boundaries that separate countryside and cities, the deeper meanings and connotations that ”Urban Literature” carries had to shape new aesthetics and world views in accordance to respective topographies. And as such, Lin'spost-urban poetry theories were based on three primary elements: I. Set out from a deconstructive perspective to reject the idea of projecting ”Urban Literature” as the center/edge of specific sub-literature or the format of awareness that describes the opposition of cities/countryside to enable diversified interpretations. II. Set out from a post-modern linguistics perspective to dismiss the crude imitations of realism while calling for re-consideration of tangible substances in urban space caused by the globalization of cities. III. Combine the fruits of urban literatures from the 30s' and 60s' and incorporate the views of people around the world to construct the basis of creation of post-modern poetry as the successor of urban literature.
