  • 期刊


Exploration of the Innovative Meaning of Nineteen Ancient Poems




Nineteen Ancient Poems was first seen recorded in Volume 29 of Zhaoming Wenxuan compiled by [Liang] Prince Zhaoming, and is a set of early five-character ancient verse by anonymous authors. From this set of poems, Chinese poetry departed from the forms of four-character verse, Sao-form, and Chu-ge form, and entered the golden age of five-character verse. Historically, commentators have had high praise for Nineteen Ancient Poems, but most used a Confucian poetry standard to evaluate the Nineteen Ancient Poems, overlooking the points that contradicted Confucian poetry standards, thus they were unable to comprehensively explore the value of Nineteen Ancient Poems.In view of this, this paper seeks to use the ”Exploration of the Innovative Meaning of Nineteen Ancient Poems,” in an attempt to break free from poetry standards to delve into the unique value of Nineteen Ancient Poems. First, the study lists vulgar satire, in which poets deliberately use vulgar language to counter the now empty authority of rituals and Confucianism, and they write about their deep dissatisfaction and desire for return to true human nature. There are eulogies for death; from the many poems eulogizing death and describing the inconstancy of life Nineteen Ancient Poems, it can be found that in the time of these poets, they had little chance in political advancement to realize their visions and affirm themselves, so that life, without a sense of belonging or focus, could only be exposed to the nihilist abyss, naked and unable to rely on anything. Third, the life attitude that emphasizes emotions is shown by poets in their inability to fulfill their ideals in their short lives; they continued to hold on to emotions. This paper uses these three points to note the literati character and aesthetic interest of Nineteen Ancient Poems, affirming them as a breakthrough from past poetry and as having indelible brightness and value.
