  • 期刊


Comparison of the Actual Situation on the Use of Scooters between Cities in Taiwan and China-The Taipei Kaohsiung and Shanghai Region as on Example


本研究之目的為,藉由比較台灣與中國大陸上海周邊都會地區,考察兩地之速克達使用狀況特色。以台灣之調査結果為依據,針對中國大陸上海周邊之都會地區展開同様之使用現況調査,且透過比較,掌握現況並了解關鍵因素之相對關連性。首先針對速克達普及率較高之台灣:高雄市,中國大陸:上海周邊6都市中,以日常生活移動為主要目的之使用現況進行問卷調査。 結果發現台灣與中國大陸,因公共交通不夠完善,因此將其作為日常生活之代步工具,顯現出其機動性及經濟性,未来速克達還將持續獲得消費者使用。台灣速克達之高普及背景為,公共交通不夠完備、且工作場所與住家分離之都市構造、且経済成長使市場日趨成熟,達到每人1台之普及率。藉由與中國大陸之比較發現了個人單獨擁有之台灣特殊之使用特性。


速克達 使用狀況 地區比較


The grasp and investigate the characteristics of the use of scooters through the comparison between Taiwan and the cities around Shanghai. Based on the data in Taiwan, and looked into the use of scooters in the cities around Shanghai. Then, comparing the results of the above two areas, it tried to find out the correlation to every condition. Investigate the high rate of the scooter prevalence in Taiwan and Shanghai in China by means of questionnaires containing. As a result of immature public transportation in Taiwan and China, people there always focus on the mobility and economic concern of the scooters which are main daily transportation. That means people will still use the scooters in the future. Immature public transportation, work-live separated city structure, and market maturity led by the economic growth are the three reasons for the high prevalence in Taiwan. Comparing with China, it can get a better control on almost each person's self-own characteristics in Taiwan.


