  • 期刊


A Study of Strategic Marketing on Book Chains in Taiwan: Focusing on Experiential Marketing and Eslitebooks


近年來台灣的連鎖書店林立,且國外的知名書店品牌以大坪數及複合式經營等行銷手法進駐台灣,使得原本已因閱讀率下降等大環境的不利因素而必須勉力經營的本土書店通路業者更顯競爭激烈。相對於國內其他連鎖書店所常見的大眾行銷,誠品書店可說是較早將體驗行銷手法導入消費市場的先鋒。早在80年代,其即以罕見的手法營造書香氛圍,切入當時相較之下,仍偏重空間效率利用且較少美術主題設計的大型書店市場。但曾幾何時,在社會轉型及求新求變的趨勢之下,其他書店通路業者也群起效尤,以同樣行銷手法滿足消費者的升級需求。準此,在國外學術社群及市場實務上均日受矚目的體驗行銷策略,若置放於台灣市場中,是否仍為必定奏效的萬靈丹,實在是需要再經過重新檢視的。 本研究選定在採用體驗行銷策略的台灣服務業中,居於先行者地位的誠品書店作為深入探討及開發概念的個案,以文獻探討、既有統計資料呈現、深度訪談、現場訪視等方式進行研究,並希望以較為鉅視及策略的角度加以觀照,經社會環境分析、SWOT分析等程序的爬梳之後,由此個案可獲致以下三項主要結論:(1).體驗行銷策略的主要訴求-氣氛或體驗,不似實體商品可以專利或營業秘密加以保護並藉此設立競爭障礙,「體驗」本身或其道具不僅可被同業複製,甚且可被其他服務產業複製,因此極易從市場上的「關鍵成功因素」淪為「關鍵存活因素」,故惟有不斷升級才是持盈保泰之道。(2).除非是在完全虛擬的世界中,否則「體驗」本身往往仍只是主要營運收入-即實體商品(commodities)及內容(content)的觸媒。因此在以體驗為訴求的同時,尚須以實在的商品或體貼的服務為後盾,否則無法獲得消費者的青睞或造成一次消費的情況。(3).在「體驗」本身無法禁止模仿且須不斷升級的情況下,大部分運用體驗行銷策略的企業,仍須開發在實體商品上的新利基,以創新策略擺脫在體驗層面上的競賽。


Though the competition among the books chain-stores in Taiwan has already been keen,the entering of some foreign well-known bookstores intensified it. As the first mover applying experiential marketing strategy to the books channels industry, Eslitebooks has been thriving and prosperous. Since having to fulfill the trading-up need of customers, the followers of Eslitebooks adopt the same strategy and make it a commonplace now. Based on this phenomenon, it is necessary to re-scrutinize whether this experiential marketing strategy getting intriguing both to the academia and the business can be a cure-all forever even in Taiwan. This essay has chosen the pioneer of experiential marketing in Taiwan-”Eslitebooks” as the case which to explore with a macro and strategic view, by using some research approaches, such as literature reviews, secondary statistical data analyses, in-depth interviews, on-the-spot interviews. Three main conclusions have been acquired by way of the procedures mentioned above, they are (1).The main appeal of experiential marketing strategy-atmosphere or experience, is not like the physical commodities which can be protected by patents and trade-secrets. Experience itself, however, can not only easily be reproduced by competitors in the same industry but also by the members in the other service industries, so it's apt to turn to be a critical survival factor from a critical success factor. Continuous upgrading is the only way to keep the predominance. (2).Experience is frequently only the catalyzer for the main source of revenue, in other words, commodities and content. If a business distinguishes itself in the market by an experiential marketing strategy, then it must also esteem quality of commodities and content as the trustworthiest support, otherwise, the experience itself will finally fall out of consumers' favor. (3).Because a business can not prevent intangible goods- the experience from being imitated, one who takes advantage of the experiential marketing strategy must pay more attention to explore the new niche market and innovation strategy in order to get rid of the stalemate concentrated on experience.


Net and Books 編輯部(2001)。台灣都會區閱讀習慣調查報告。英屬蓋曼群島商網路與書股份有限公司台灣分公司。
行政院新聞局2005 出版年鑑


陳昱程(2014)。體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之探討 —以中部鳳梨酥店家為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.11199
