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Recent Development of Biological Anthropology in Taiwan




Anthropologists have long been interested in the question of human migrations on different continents. For instance, there has been long-standing controversy concerning the origins of Oceanians; in other words, the ancestral homeland of Austronesian-speaking population remains unknown. In this regard, there have been many genetic and morphological studies of modern populations in the Pacific region. In order to answer questions concerning the origins of the Austronesian speakers, researchers have begun to apply new methods and techniques, such as chemical analyses and ancient DNA analyses; however, these newly developed disciplines are limited in Taiwan.This article presents few studies in past 20 years regarding the direct evidence of human skeletons from archaeological sites in Taiwan. For example, a general morphological study of human burials excavated at the Shih-San-Hang site by Ching-Fang Chang (1993). Later on, Ching-Hsin Lui (2005) analyzed the same series of skeletons to evaluate childhood stress at the Shih-San-Hang site. Additionally, an ancient DNA study at the U-Shan-To site was conducted by Chuan-Yi Chen (2004).Next, the morphological studies of the Nan-Kuan Li, Nan-Kuan Li East, You-Hsin Fong, Wu-Chien Tzu South, and San-Pau-Chu (SPC) sites of the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park in southwestern Taiwan were reported in this study. Finally, discussions current ancient DNA were reviewed. Furthermore, a preliminary study of ancient DNA on SPC skeleton was also briefly discussed.
