  • 期刊


Technique Analysis of Clean and Jerk in elite weightlifter: Kinematic Characteristic of the Barbell during the Phase of First Pull to Second Pull


目的:分析探討國內優秀舉重選手挺舉試舉不同重量之動作過程中,在提鈴開始至發力結束之槓鈴中心的水平位移、垂直速度、槓鈴與身體重心之水平位移特徵。方法:5名優秀舉重選手(3男2女),進行試舉最佳成績80﹪、85﹪、90﹪重量,同時以3部數位攝影機(60Hz)進行動作拍攝,再用三度空間動作分析系統(Arial Performance Analyze system, APAS)進行槓鈴位移、槓鈴速度、槓鈴與身體重心之水平位移分析。結果:男選手槓鈴中心水平位移量於85%重量最小為6.01公分,90%重量次之為6.09公分,80%重量最大為6.31公分;而女選手為90%重量最小為6.91公分,80%重量次之為7.02公分,85%重量最大為7.11公分。男選手槓鈴中心垂直速度於85%重量最快為0.94公尺/秒,80%重量次之為0.90公尺/秒,90% 重量最慢為0.85公尺/秒;而女選手為80%重量最快為1.01公尺/秒,85%重量次之為0.99公尺/秒,90%重量最慢為0.94公尺/秒。男選手槓鈴與身體重心水平位移量於90%重量最小為16.21公分,80%重量次之為18.06公分,85%重量最大為18.44公分;而女選手為90%重量最小為19.21公分,80%重量次之為20.61公分,85%重量最大為21.22公分。結論:受試者的體型是影響槓鈴運動表現的因子之一,試舉重量負荷不會顯著影響槓鈴運動表現,建議可針對要強化的運動技術調整適合的重量負荷進行訓練。


Purpose: This study was to describe the horizontal displacement, vertical velocity of the barbell and displacement of center of mass (COM) to barbell during the phase of first pull to second pull that lift different weight in clean and jerk technique. Methods: Subjects included 5 elite weight lifters (3 male and 2 female). Three digital cameras (60Hz) capture the motion of trajectories of barbell during clean and jerk lifts in 80%, 85% and 90% of personal optimum results. The displacement and velocity of the barbell and barbell-COM was analysis by Arial Performance Analyze system. Results: The horizontal displacement of barbell from small to large was 85% (6.01cm), 90% (6.09cm) and 80% (6.31cm) that performed by male lifters. In female was 90% (6.91cm), 80% (7.02cm) and 85% (7.11cm). The vertical velocity of barbell from fast to slow was 85% (0.94m/s), 80% (0.90m/s) and 90% (0.85m/s) that performed by male lifters. In female was 80% (1.01m/s), 85% (0.99m/s) and 90% (0.94m/s). The horizontal displacement of barbell-COM from small to large was 90% (16.21cm), 80% (18.06cm) and 85% (18.44cm) that performed by male lifters. In female was 90% (19.21cm), 80% (20.61cm) and 85% (21.22cm). Conclusions: The body type of lifter was one of factor to influence the kinematics performance of barbell. And lifted weight was not significantly effect barbell performance. This study suggests that the technique training should adjustment suitable weight load for different training effect.


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