目的:在探討職業駕駛員駕駛車輛、身體質量指數(Body Mass Index, BMI)與健康促進生活型態間關聯性,瞭解職業駕駛員生活型態及身心狀況,以作為改善職業駕駛員的健康生活之依據。方法:本研究採橫斷式調查,以金門地區職業駕駛員為母群體,採二階段分層立意取樣法選取個案。並以自編「職業駕駛員健康促進生活型態相關問卷」為研究工具,共發放200份,回收有效問卷為176份。以描述性統計、卡方考驗、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關及薛費氏事後比較等分析。顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:在駕駛車輛類型對健康促進生活型態的影響中,自我實現和運動行為2項向度得分皆在計程車顯著高於大貨車(T>LT)。BMI對健康促進生活型態的影響中,健康責任和運動行為2項向度得分皆在標準體型顯著高於肥胖體型(SD>OB)。駕駛車輛、BMI與健康促進生活型態間關連性中,標準體型與健康責任(r=.24,p<.05)、運動行為(r=.28,p<.05)及公車(r=.26,p<.05)、健康責任與運動行為(r=.25,p<.05)及運動行為與營養行為(r=.26,p<.05)間達顯著的正相關。結論:標準體型的職業駕駛員較能重視健康責任及運動行為,且公車駕駛員相較其它駕駛車輛類型更重視自己的體態,保持良好的身心狀況,以利提升公車的服務品質。
Purpose: This study to relate of Professional driver in health-promoting lifestyle, driving and body mass index, that in accordance with professional driver's workplace health promotion programs to enhance healthy living and service quality professional driver. Methods: This study used to cross-sectional of quantitative research design, the research objects are professional driver who work in the regional driving of Kinmen County, by conducting questionnaires of 180 copies. 176 questionnaires were recovered, Deducting 4 copies of invalid questionnaires, and totally we collected 176 copies of valid questionnaires. By using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation, the between variables was significant differences, we continue to analysis the Scheffe's, the significance level set at α=.05. Results: The impact of the type of driving the vehicle in the health-promoting lifestyle , self-realization and exercise behavior in the two dimensions of health-promoting lifestyle index scores were significantly higher than those of large trucks in a taxi (T > LT). Affect the body mass index of health-promoting lifestyle , in the two dimensions of health-promoting lifestyle score indices were significantly higher than in the standard body fat body (SD > OB). Driving a vehicle, body mass index and health promotion of inter- connected lifestyle, the standard size and health responsibilities (r=.24, p < .05), motor behavior (r=.28, p < .05) and buses (r=.26, p < .05), health responsibility and exercise behavior (r=.25, p < .05) and exercise behavior and nutrition the behavior of a significant positive correlation (r=.26, p < .05) between. Conclusion: The professional driver driving the vehicle, body mass index and health-promoting lifestyle changes among items connected with part of standard body of professional drivers can better attention to health promoting lifestyle (health responsibility and exercise behavior), and the bus driver to drive a vehicle compared to other types of more attention to their body and maintain good physical and mental condition, in order to enhance bus service quality.