  • 期刊


Using AHP to Discuss the Evaluation of Cycling Competition


本研究以層級分析法(AHP)建構自行車騎乘者選擇自行車賽會時之評估準則。首先,經由文獻回顧法及訪談法得到初始準則。接著採用修正後德爾菲專家問卷,由15位專家進行準則修正,得到六個因素及24項準則。最後,收集25位具豐富活動賽事的自行車車友之意見,並以層級分析法得到各項準則之權重。自行車騎乘者在選擇參加自行車賽會時將從六個因素進行考量,按權重高低依序為:路線(33.2 %)、活動規劃(26.3 %)、紀念品(13.1 %)、主辦單位(11.0 %)、會場(8.7 %)及報名(7.6 %)。所有準則當中,最重要的前五項考量準則依序為:活動流程安排適當、路線安全性、路線規劃得宜、路線挑戰性、主辦單位知名度等。研究結果可提供自行車車友選擇最合適之自行車賽會,同時亦提供活動主辦單位瞭解自行車車友的選擇行為以幫助活動賽事籌備。


This study uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to construct the evaluation criteria for cyclists when they choose a cycling event. First, get the initial guidelines through the literature review method and the interview method. Then the revised Delphi expert questionnaire was used to modify the criteria, and six factors and 24 criteria were obtained. Finally, the opinions of 25 cyclists with rich activities and events were collected, and the weight of each criterion was obtained by the hierarchical analysis method. Cyclists will consider six factors when choosing to participate in a cycling event, in order of weight: route (33.2 %), event planning (26.3 %), souvenir (13.1 %), organizer (11.0 %), Venue (8.7 %) and registration (7.6 %). Among all the criteria, the most important top five consideration criteria are, in order: proper arrangement of the event process, safety of the route, proper route planning, the challenge of the route, the popularity of the organizer, etc. The research results can provide cyclists to choose the most suitable cycling event, and also provide event organizers to understand the selection behavior of cyclists to help organize the event.


Murry, Jr., J. W., & Hammons, J. O. (1995). Delphi: A versatile methodology for conducting qualitative research. The Review of Higher Education, 18(4), 423-436.
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