  • 期刊


Effects of Low-Energy He/Ne Laser Irradiation on the Differentiation of Human Osteoclasts




Metastasis of cancer cell to bone tissues usually causes bone damages and bone aches. Presently, they are approached with ionizing radiation. On the other hand, low-energy He/Ne laser has been found able to enhancing restoration of damaged bone tissues. In order to investigate its mechanism, we utilized low-energy He/Ne laser to evaluate its influence on the differentiation of osteoclasts. Meanwhile, we compared the above results with those using ionizing radiation. In this study, we co-cultured peripheral stem cells of human with osteoblasts to initiate the differentiation of osteoclasts, and investigated the difference when giving various stimuli. The results shown that the number of differentiating osteoclasts was less under the irradiation of low-energy He/Ne laser than that of the control group. However, no apparent effect was found on the activity of differentiated osteoclasts. This represented that low-energy He/Ne laser were capable of suppressing osteoclasts by their differentiation. Besides, the suppressing ability of ionizing radiation (10 Gy) on osteoclast differentiation was less than that of low-energy He/Ne laser. Nevertheless, the suppression was apparent on the differentiated osteoclasts. From above investigations, the differentiation of osteoclasts were suppressed through different mechanisms by low-energy He/Ne laser and the ionizing radiation, which was corroborated by RT-PCR analysis of the production of osteoclast differentiation factors. Therefore, both low-energy He/Ne laser and ionizing radiation were capable of inhibiting osteoclast differentiation, however, the former worked through reducing the secretion of osteoclast differentiation fgctors from osteobalsts, which is more effective.


He/Ne laser stem cell osteoclast
