  • 期刊


The Application of 4-slices MDCT in Diagnosing Cranial Aneurysm so That Reduce the Doctor's Radiation Dosage


顱內動脈瘤破裂是攸關性命的頭部急症,如何以最快的速度來確診對於患者的預後有正面的影響。目前診斷顱內動脈瘤的黃金準則(gold standard)是DSA,其缺點爲經常須等待值班醫師執行檢查及操作醫師必須接受輻射劑量,患者的輻射劑量也常因爲操作醫師的技巧熟練度不同而差距頗大。本研究的目的是以回顧方式分析探討4切面CTA在診斷顱內動脈瘤上的應用。共收集門、急診25例臨床表現疑似顱內動脈瘤的患者,以4切面MDCT配合高壓自動注射器,注射速率爲3ml/see,共100ml來執行頭部CTA檢查,並應用後處理軟體重組出MPR、MIP及3D影像後由放射科醫師與神經外科醫師判讀確診。在本實驗統計結果中得知4切面CTA在診斷顱內動脈瘤的應用上準確率可達100%且醫事放射師可完全免於接受輻射劑量,也降低患者的吸收劑量達到一穩定值,可適合做爲第一線的診斷工具,因此放射線科醫師不必每次都得執行DSA而接受輻射劑量曝露即可藉由多切面CT完成初步診斷顱內動腦瘤。


Ruptured cranial aneurysm is a life-threatening condition that needs to make a definite diagnosis as soon as possible. DSA is a gold standard for diagnosis. The shortcomings of DSA including operated doctor must expose the radiation dosage, the division of the radiation dosage of patient are very different depending on doctor's skill etc...In recent few years, 64-slices CT is popular because of it's good imaging quality but the cost is expensive for general hospitals. The purpose of this study is retrospectively analyzed the aid of diagnosis in cranial aneyrysm using 4-s1ices CT. We collected 25 patients with clinic sysmptomes in R/O cranial aneyrysm. 4-s1ices CTA were performed in all patients with 3ml/sec speed auto-injection and total volume 100ml contrast medium. The reconstructive imagings of MPR, MIP and 3D were viewed and make diagnosis by clil1ical physician and radiologists. The accuracy rate of this study is 100%. There was no any operator accepting radiation dosage in this study. 4-slices CT is adequate to be the first tool in diagnosing cranial aneyrysms. Thererfore, the radiologist don't need to expose radiaion dosage.


MDCT CTA Anerrysm SAH Radiation Dosag
