  • 期刊


The Study of Radiation Safety Shielding Design of Proton Facility


本研究以評估質子加速器治療機的屏敝設計為主要目標。質子自從1919年被物理學家拉賽福發現後,在1946年首次被羅伯特威爾森提出可以用在癌症治療上;之後到2007年全世界共有28部有在運作的質子治療機每天提供癌症患者的服務;在2007年到2009年間,除了傳統大型的質子治療機外;又加上各家競相研發的小型質子治療機;因此日後質子治療機會相當的普及;所以美國預計79年後,全美1千4百多所的癌症醫院,屆時每家都會配置質子治療機。反觀國內目前有兩家大型醫院正積極建構的質子治療設備中,而其它醫院亦有極高的興趣;本文擬以現今所用的質子治標設備為專論,探討加速質子粒子的設備種類,以及其特性;及陸續研發中的小型質子治療機的廠牌,其特性及其做為癌症治療的潛力,以便做為對質子治療機有興趣或有意願購置的參考。質子治療機通常採用質子加速器產生的質子束直接進行,這種安裝於醫療院所的質子加速器,因為要滿足臨床及研究的需要,通常具有射束分配系統。而因為醫院中難以具有研究機構核子工程技術人員,因此要求質子加速器必須安全、可靠、束流穩定且功率低。並且能有效的將射束輸送到各治療間。通常這類型的加速器和實驗用的系統其最大的不同在於醫用加速器其粒子數約為10(上標 10)Protons/sec。而非實驗用的10(上標 13) Protons/sec,然而雖然通量較低,但往往因醫院建立在人口較稠密區,故其產生的輻射劑量對周圍居民的衝擊應儘可能的降低至合理水平(1 mSv/年),而且由於輻射法規的要求,工作人員的年劑量亦應合理的降低(20mSv/年以下)。高強度輻射作業場所操作放射性物質或可發生游離輻射設備前,應進行輻射安全評估或輻射屏蔽規劃,以作為向主管機關申請場所使用許可之依據。本研究之目的在於說明評估醫用質子加速器作業場所之輻射屏蔽的設計,即醫用質子加速器治療機設施的輻射屏蔽之評估及屏蔽設計的方法。


Radiation shielding design of the high intensity proton accelerator facilities has been estimated and calculated in this study. The design have been specified as a half value of the law in order to ensure the reliable safety design, considering the margin of the shielding calculation. However, the exceptional value of 1/20 of the law has been employed as the effective dose for people living near the site boundary of the facilities. This design value is based on the controlled value employed at nuclear power plants and this value is also employed at hospital based proton facilities. For the sake of convenience, a radiation controlled area is classified into three areas: (1) Radiation Controlled Area I, registered radiation workers can enter freely any time; (2) Radiation Controlled Area II, access to this area is limited and permissions and the entering procedures are required; (3) Radiation Controlled Area III, access to this area is in principle forbidden. Since beam line tunnels are going to be constructed underground, the shielding design value is based on ground water activation and the activation of soils near shielding walls. As the average value of radiation dose along beam line tunnels, i.e. radiation dose due to a line source, 5 mSv/h is adopted in the shielding design and, while, for a point source, 11 mSv/h is allowed under the condition of monitoring ground water activation. Moyer's analytical model has been conducted as the basic theory of neutron contamination simulation. Calculation results will be compared and examed with two Monte Carlo simulations: FLUKA (FLUktuierende KAskade) and LCS (LOS ALAMOS HIGH ENERGY TRANSPORT (LAHET) CODE SYSTEM).


