  • 期刊


The Study of Accompanier with Patient for Head Computer Tomography Scanning


年長或是小兒,往往是不易配合且易躁動的檢查患者族群;在未避免此類族群患者,接受過度的輻射劑量及保護患者安全為前提下,會由陪檢者進入攝影室協助患者受檢;本研究在距離電腦斷層(Computed Tomography, CT)檢查台70公分處,分別於高度160cm、130cm及80cm各設置1組光激發光劑量計(Optically StimulatedLuminescence Dosimeter, OSLD),依照常規頭部CT檢查掃描,測量此距離之三個高度所接收的輻射劑量;計算後分別得到效劑量為160cm:0.007mSv、140cm:0.0033mSv、80cm:0.0696mSv;加總後之全身有效劑量則為0.1098mSv;研究結果與台灣人每次頭部CT掃描比較下,此一輻射劑量低到無需任何防護,因此陪檢者可安心協助患者受檢。


The elder and children are the inspected generation who are uncooperative and restless easily. In order to protect them from taking too much radiation dose and for safety concern, there will be an exam accompanier into exam room during exam. The method of this research is that we put three OSLD (Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter) at the same distance 70 cm and three different heights, 160 cm, 140 cm and 80 separately. By following standard procedure of Head Computer Tomography scanning. We have three figures of radiation dose at same distance with different height. There are 0.0070 mSv at 160 cm, 0.0332 mSv at 140 cm and 0.0696 mSv at 80 cm, the total dose is 0.1098 mSv compared with average CT scan of head dose per Taiwanese, the result radiation dose of this research are lower and no protected equipment required. Therefore, accompanier will be safe to help patient during the examination.
