  • 期刊


Analysis between PM 2.5 Contamination of Haze and the Morbidity Rate of Lung Cancer in Beijing Area




北京 霧霾 微懸浮粒子 PM2.5 肺癌患病率


In recent years, along with the expansion of city scale and the development of industry and commerce, air pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems and development barriers in China, especially the primary pollutant haze caused serious influence on human body health, micro-suspended particles' PM 2.5 has received the unprecedented attention. Methods are that collecting the Beijing micro-suspended particles' PM2.5 concentration monitoring data during the period from February 18, 2009 to December 31, 2013, and data of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission. After controlling the time trend, the results showed that the haze pollution in Beijing has brought serious lung cancer problems to the residents. The study also showed that the prevalence of lung cancer caused by haze was relative largely, which was closely related to the Beijing municipal government haze regulation. The conclusion is that Beijing residents has increased the risk of lung cancer, after long-term exposure to air pollutants; air micro-suspended particles' PM2.5, Po-210 and so are the leading causes of lung cancer.
