  • 期刊


Coil Embolization of Patient with Carotid Cavernous Fistula-Case Report


頸動脈海綿竇瘻管(Carotid cavernous fistula, CCF)是頸動脈系統與海綿竇之間的異常連接,依據病因、血流速度與病發位置可分為直接型與間接型。本案例為73歲女性因頭暈轉診至急診,經電腦斷層與磁振造影顯示疑似CCF,之後執行血管攝影診斷出間接型CCF,隨即安排經導管栓塞術,經置放金屬線圈(EV3, Irvine, Calif)栓塞術後成功治癒。本案例報告除說明針對CCF患者以置放金屬線圈栓塞進行臨床治療外,亦評估以非對比劑注射磁振血管攝影在CCF患者的臨床診斷應用。


Carotid cavernous fistula (CCF) is an abnormal communication between the carotid system and the cavernous sinus, according to the cause, blood flow speed and location of the disease; it can be divided into direct type and indirect type. In this case, a 73-year-old woman was referred to the emergency department due to dizziness. Computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed that she was suspected of CCF, then perform angiography to diagnose indirect CCF. Trans-Catheter embolization was arranged immediately, and successfully cured after embolization by placing metal coils (EV3, Irvine, Calif). In addition to explaining the clinical treatment of CCF patients with metal coil embolization, this case report also evaluates the clinical diagnostic application of magnetic resonance angiography with non-contrast agent injection in CCF patients.
