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Factors That Impede Democratic Consolidation in Botswana


Botswana’s democratic path is considered unprecedented in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region to the extent of being regarded as a prime example of successful experimentation with democracy on the continent. The country has conducted eleven uninterrupted multiparty elections, when the preindependence elections of 1965 are counted, maintained a democratic system of government whereby the rule of law is upheld, demonstrated general respect for human rights, and allowed opposition parties to freely contest elections, among other exercises of democratic practice. Analysts are trying to understand why Botswana followed a different democratic path than most of its African peers, which are struggling to realize democratization. Botswana is among four countries including Mauritius, Namibia, and South Africa, known for their democratic eminence in SSA. Considering the country's achievements over the last fifty years, Botswana could be regarded as well on its way toward consolidating its democracy. Yet, a number of factors impede democratic consolidation in the country. These include disproportionate power of the executive, a lethargic civil society, restricted media, and the absence of an even electoral playing field. This essay offers a critical examination of these challenges.


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