  • 期刊


Development of Dualistic Body Image Scale for Adolescence




Multifaceted Body image construct that refers to individual's perception and attitude toward their body, especially their body appearance had been applied to most studies. Current body image instruments are either not theory driven or too detailed and complicated. This study aimed to develop psychometric instruments capable of measure body image in an easy and comprehensive way. 233 junior high school students completed background survey and a self-administered 11-items body image scale. Item analysis, EFA, and internal consistency tested the construct validity and reliability of the scale. The correlations and MANOVA tested the relationships with BMI and the differences by gender and obesity categories. The 8-items body image scale had been proved as a valid and reliable dualistic psychological instrument. The hypothesis was accepted that the construct of body image basically included "body perception image" and "body attitude image" of individuals' body image. Males were more satisfied with both of their body image factors. BMI had diverse relationship with body image. However, body weight had no connection with adolescences' attitude to their body image. At the same time, obesity group teenagers did not have worst attitude to their body image either. These results revealed body perception image and body attitude image are different concepts. Different target groups and confirmatory factor analysis are needed for future study. Further test for the dualistic body image scale on self-esteem and such as eating disorder behaviors are all suggested.


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