  • 期刊


A Study on the Agility Difference of Specialized Footwork for Single and Double Teenage Female Badminton Players


過去研究表示羽球選手會因為專項不同,致使場上技術與戰術使用有所差異,亦關係到選手專項體能的訓練與表現。因此,本研究旨在探討青少年女子羽球選手單、雙打項目專項步法敏捷力之差異。本研究招募68名女子青少年羽球選手作為研究參與者,後依個人羽球專長項目分為單打組有26位 (GSG,年齡:14.4±0.9歲,身高:160.17±4.53公分,體重:49.38±5.36公斤)和雙打組有42位 (GDG,年齡:14.3±0.8歲,身高:159.12±4.90公分,體重:49.79±5.65公斤)。考慮專項技術與戰術應用的關係,分別測試兩組的前場兩點、後場兩點、左右轉身及球場四方跑等專項羽球步法敏捷力之跑動速度。資料收集後使用獨立樣本t檢定考驗兩組之間的變項,顯著水準訂為α= .05。單打組在羽球場前兩點折返跑(t=-2.87, p < .05)全場四方跑(t=-3.42, p< .05)表現上顯著優於雙打組;但在羽球場後兩點折返跑(t=0.33, p> .05)與左右轉身折返跑(t=1.20, p> .05)上,單打組和雙打組之間沒有顯著差異。研究結果表明,女子青少年羽球選手因為專長項目其專項步法敏捷力亦有所差異。推測造成此結果原因可能是因為女子單、雙打選手因為長期專項特性之技術訓練與戰術應用關係所致。建議羽球專項體能訓練規畫,應考慮技術使用率與戰術趨勢,再規劃與修正專項步法敏捷力訓練,以配合技術與戰術應用的發展。


戰術 左右轉身 米字步法


Past researches indicated that the different specialties of badminton players tend to result in the usage of different skills and tactics and were relevant to their physical training and performances. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the difference in the agility of specialized footwork between single and double teenage female badminton players. This study first recruited 68 teenage female badminton players as research participants and then categorized them according to their specialty, which included 26 single players (GSG, Age: 14.4±0.9, Height: 160.17±4.53 cm, Weight: 49.38±5.36 kg) and 42 double players (GDG, Age: 14.3±0.8, Height: 159.12±4.90 cm, Weight: 49.79±5.65 kg). Taking their different specialized skills and tactic application into consideration, test items included footwork drills such as running between two points of the forecourt, running between two points of the backcourt, turning around left and right, and running around the court to test the speed of their footwork agility. After gathering the data, the independent sample t-test was used to examine the difference between the two aforementioned groups, while the level of significance was set at α= .05. This research discovered that single players performed significantly better than double players on running between two points of the forecourt (t=- 2.87, p < .05) and running around the court (t=-3.42, p< .05). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups on running between two points of the backcourt (t=0.33, p> .05) and turning around left and right in the shuttle run (t=1.20, p> .05). The result of this study indicates that due to the different specialty of teenage female badminton players, there were differences in the performance of their footwork agility. This research surmises that reasons for the aforementioned results may be caused by long-term skill training and tactic application differences due to the different specialties of female single and double players. This study further suggests that specialized fitness training programs should take skill usage rate and tactic trends into consideration when planning and adjusting their specialized footwork agility training in order to suit their specialty in coordination with the development of skills and tactical application.


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