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Exploring Differences and Relationships of Different Background Badminton Players on sport hope and affect




正負向情緒 路徑 動力


Purpose: This study was to evaluate the differences of scoring on sports hope, positive and negative affect of college badminton players in different genders, years of playing badminton, and skill levels and to exam the correlations of psychological dimensions among sports hope, positive, and negative affect. Methods: The research method was to adopt questionnaires survey. A total of 292 college badminton players participating in 2019 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games Northern Division Series were chosen. The survey instruments were the scale of hope, positive and negative affect. The obtained data was tested by descriptive statistics and independent-sample t test, and ANOVA to understand the differences of different genders, years of playing, and skill levels on sports hope, positive and negative affect. Then, correlations and the regressions analysis were used to test the correlations and predictability of badminton players among sports hope, positive and negative affect. Results: In genders, there was no significant difference between agency dimension of hope and negative affect; however, there were significant differences between path dimension of hope and positive affect (Males were higher). In the different years of playing badminton, there were significant differences between hope and positive affect; but there was no difference in negative affect. In the different skill levels, there were significant differences between path dimension of hope and negative affect; however, there was no difference in positive affect. In addition, there were significant and positive higher relationship between sports hope and positive affect; however, there was no relationship between sports hope and negative affect. In the regression analysis, this study found that both agency and pathways dimensions can predict positive affect. Conclusions: Sports hope has deep influence on positive affect. This study suggested that coaches need to base on the differences of genders, years of playing, and skill levels of badminton players to give them the highest hope sequentially, which can cultivate better positive affect and continuously facilitate players to perform well on sports.


positive and negative affect pathways agency


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