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Analysis on risk perception, restaurant safety trust, epidemic prevention measures and buying intentions of high-end restaurants' consumers in the post-pandemic era




The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a great impact on the catering industry. Reducing the risk of infection in dining is crucial to the operation of the catering industry and the protection of customer health risks. This study aims to explore relationships among risk perception, restaurant safety trust and buying intentions of high-end restaurants' consumers, and to understand importance degree of epidemic prevention measures. This study uses a questionnaire survey method and the number of valid samples is 78. The influence of risk perception and restaurant safety trust on buying intentions in high-end restaurants are measured with regression analysis; the presence and absence of epidemic prevention measures are measured with the Kano two-dimensional quality design model. The results of the study show that: (1) Consumers' risk perception of COVID-19 has no significant influence on buying intentions in high-end restaurants; (2) Safety trust in high-end restaurants has a significant influence on consumers' buying intentions; (3) 14 epidemic prevention measures are must-be quality, which show the restaurant does take epidemic prevention measures so that consumers can eat in-store with peace of mind and avoid causing consumer disgust in the post-pandemic era.


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