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The Historical Context of China Hip Hop/Rap: Chinese Black Field, Dialect Rap, and "Keepin' it Real" Construction by the Mainstream/Official Upsurge


從2017年7月《中國有嘻哈》節目開播後,在內地掀起一陣嘻哈「風潮」,使原本長時間待在地下的嘻哈文化/饒舌樂,一時之間成為中國流行文化的一種潮流形式。但在此節目播出之前,在跨國流行音樂工業的進引下,嘻哈文化/饒舌樂就已經在中國社會出現,以「黑人的」、「街頭」、「地下」、「潮流」文化的形式在各個城市流竄,與在地社會接合。因此,本文旨在探索在《中國有嘻哈》播出之前,中國嘻哈文化/饒舌樂的樣態及其發展的歷程,從嘻哈文化/饒舌樂「真誠以對」(keepin' it real)的正統性論述出發,用編年史的方式,嘗試脈絡化其黑性(Blackness)在中國被接受/收和轉化的在地化歷史過程。在這過程裡,從外國人引進到在地青少年利用「方言」創作饒舌樂,呈現出中國嘻哈文化/饒舌樂「真誠以對」精神的敘事基礎。最後,反思在《中國有嘻哈》播出後,主流媒體工業如何透過在地文化實踐、商業媒體包裝、政府介入改造的三方調和下,持續製造中國嘻哈文化/饒舌樂的「真實」樣貌。


This article, borrowing the concepts of popular music studies, black studies, global hip hop studies aims to explore the discursive authenticity of "Keepin' It Real" in mainland China's hip hop/rap music. The network program Rap of China aired on AiQiYi in 2017 launched a hip hop "wave" and made it a popular culture . But before the program streamed, hip hop culture has already appeared in China in the form of "black culture," "street style," and is regarded as "underground" and "trendy." In this essay I discuss the development of Chinese hip hop/rap with the discourse of "Keepin' It Real." I chronicle the development of hip hop music in China to contextualize the historical process of how blackness is accepted and transformed locally. Though this process was initiated by foreign intermediaries, the use of "dialect" in rap music by local teenagers presents how they articulated the spirit of "Keepin' it Real." Finally, I reflect on how mainstream media industries continue to create the "real" appearance of China hip-hop culture/rap through the triangulation of local cultural practices, commercial media marketing, and governmental intervention.


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