  • 期刊

Don't Call Me "Hawaiian-at-Heart": Self-determination and Identity Theft




本文呈現作者身在爲非土著在Kānaka Maoli(夏威夷土著)主權獨立運動中,所學習到的主要課題,這次的主權獨立運動對於在其他運動的參與者應具有教育的意義;而此課題爲:當聯邦和州政府,移民、開拓者、與Kānaka Maoli人爭相定義夏威夷身份與掌控接近夏威夷人、土地、與文化時,誰能代表「夏威夷土著」是有關係的。然而,即使常識告訴非土著的我們何謂「土著」的意思,土著不是指我們,有許多勢力仍串連起促成夏威夷人認同的非土著觀點-身份盜用。爲有助於運動,作者做爲一個非Kānaka Maoli學者與運動參與者,在每天的運動實踐中,必須學會認識與尊重關於夏威夷土著身份,被制定與重新制定的界線,並拒絕「內心爲夏威夷的人」這個錯誤慰問的標記。


This paper presents a major lesson I learned from my research on the roles of non-natives in the Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) sovereignty movement, one that should prove instructive for activists in other movements: when the federal and state governments, immigrants and settlers, and the Kānaka Maoli people compete to define Hawaiian identity and control access to Hawaiian people, land, and culture, who counts as ”Native Hawaiian” matters. Yet, with so much at stake, even when common sense tells nonnatives we know what ”native” means and it is not us, many forces collude to encourage nonnative appropriation of Hawaiian identity-identity theft. In order to make useful contributions to the movement as a non-Kānaka Maoli scholar and activist, I had to learn to recognize and respect the boundary lines that were being drawn and redrawn around Native Hawaiian identity in everyday movement practices, and to refuse the false comfort of the label ”Hawaiian-at-heart.”


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