  • 期刊


The High Aspiration of Professor Teng-Hui Lee and His Contributions to Taiwan




This article focuses on the high aspiration of Professor Teng-Hui Lee and his contributions in agricultural economics research before he became the Minister without portfolio to the ROC government in exile in Taipei in May 1972; and when he became the President in early 1988, President Lee began to lead Taiwan to the road of Silent Revolution-democratization without bleeding. Thereafter, we describe how Professor Lee played his role to keep Taiwan going on the track of political development since 2000 while he was relieved of his presidency. After piling up voluminous research papers in agricultural and economic development Professor Teng-Hui Lee became an internationally well-known scholar. In 1972, he was recruited by dictator Ching-Kuo Chiang, the Prime Minister of the ROC in exile. In 1984, Professor Lee became the Vice President to President Chiang and succeeded Chiang's Presidency while Chiang deceased in January 1988. President Lee aggressively asked for democratic reforms and published a book on ”Managing the Great Taiwan” as the blueprint of the silent revolution plan in 1994. With strongly support from the people of Taiwan we supposed he would make it good to liberate native Taiwanese from shackles and to spread social justice everywhere in Taiwan. Nevertheless, serious power struggles continuously came forth. Chinese refugee people on Taiwan opposed Lee's policies. As a result, democratic reform was incomplete. In the meantime, capital outflows to China were also uncontrollable even if Lee administration executed ”No Haste Be Patient” trade policy aimed at Taiwan-China informal international trade in 1996. Therefore, President Lee was vulnerable after he was relieved of his presidency. As a national leader, President Lee was too conservative to make a decisive change in his Administration. He failed to employ the distinguished marginal power elites in Taiwan to substitute for the refugee fellows who were inclined to protect the private interests of Chinese people on Taiwan and the national interests of China. In other words, President Lee was confused by the mirage of the ROC in exile and ignored the undetermined Taiwan status in international community so as to have many bindings by the ROC conventional restrictions. Of course, we do not have any reason to blame him because President Lee is an evolutionist rather than a revolutionist.


