  • 期刊


The Emergency of Chinese Business Group and Their Impacts




This study aims to look at the rise and impact of the Chinese business groups in recent decades. Generally, the outcomes of Chinese business groups mainly come from the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Especially, the SOEs are characterized as the contemporary businesses groups. However, those SOEs enjoy the monopoly in some industries, including energy, telecommunication, and transportation. In fact, to cope with the increasing competition pressure in China and abroad, the Chinese government has the policy preferences to have the SOEs to enjoy the advantages from large-scale. This also facilitates the government to control the market by using these large SOE business groups. In addition to the traditional monopoly industries, the Chinese government also leverages the central SOEs to foster the emerging industries. To some extents, the innovation capacity and monopoly power of these business groups could help develop key technologies and industry standards among these emerging industries in China. This will transform China from a follower into a leader. Moreover, the potential market in such industries may accelerate economic growth and create employment opportunities. Finally from the perspective of personnel system, management and the source of assets, there is no clear boundary between the government and the central SOEs. Especially, the large-scale SOEs are also regarded as the interest groups with heavy influence on the policy-making process. In other words, we cannot ignore the important roles played by these SOEs in the decision making mechanism of industrial and international trade policies.


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