  • 期刊


The Prospects of Taiwan-EU Relations in view of the Estranged EU-China Relations




The EU and China have started their long-range strategic engagement ever since 1995. In 2004, China's trade with the EU surpassed that of Japan or the United States for the first time. Since 2005, following the rapid rise of China and the economic recession of the European Union, the EU-China relationship has also undergone a qualitative change, turning from sweet to sour. After the EU’s financial and economic crisis in 2007, it fell into a muddy economy. Against the background China rising, the EU has obviously leaned toward the US. However, in view of EU-China relations, threats and opportunities are mixed; under the consideration of the interests involved, even if there are setbacks, both parties will seek to improve or repair them. Taiwan, as a small state, cannot get rid of pressure from China as well as the existing EU-China strategic framework. Taiwan has to learn how to make good use of opportunities and evade risks innate in EU-China relations, and thus developing a best strategy to cope with them.


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