  • 期刊


Taiwan-China-United States Relations One Year into the Biden Presidency




We begin with the exploration of the latest development of the triangular Taiwan-China-Unites States relationships, including the emerging Biden Doctrine, and Biden's strategic view. We further observe the current China-United States relations, focusing on China's view of the United States, China's grand strategy, and the AUKUS. We then look into the United States-Taiwan relations by way of scrutinizing whether American strategy on Taiwan has move from ambiguity toward clarity, and what implications the withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan may have implications may have for Taiwan. Finally, we examine China's "Two Systems Solution to the Taiwan Question," Nationalist Chinese obsession of the so-called "1992 Consensus," and the ruling DPP administration's stance since President Tsai Ing-wen's Double Tenth Day speech. We conclude by delving into possible arrangements between China and Taiwan.


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