  • 期刊

India's Participation in WTO Negotiations: The Changes in Attitude and Emphasis



雖然印度身為關稅暨貿易總協定(GATT)的創始會員國之一,但是印度在烏拉圭回合多邊談判之前從未積極參與過多邊談判。即便在WTO成立後的西雅圖部長級會議期間,印度仍是扮演被動的追隨者的角色,不過印度在近年來的政策卻改變甚多。尤其是自杜哈部長級會議後印度在多邊論壇中的聲音受到重視。而自坎昆部長級會議以來印度開始積極在各類議題的多邊談判中與其他開發中國家合作,並著重擴充農業市場的進入管道。此外,在區域貿易協定(RTAs)的議題方面,印度的態度也有明顯的轉變。此篇文章除論及一些未來的關切事項外,主要著重在探討過去十年來印度在談判中轉變態度的決定性因素和其談判模式的主要特徵。 從烏拉圭回合的最初幾年的協商迄今印度已經歷相當長的一段時間。那時印度與巴西、埃及聯手反對美國所提議的服務貿易自由化。在WTO成立之初,印度對WTO立場是基於國內考量,而非著重於策略。惟自杜哈部長會議之後,印度明顯地企圖有效地處理其主要關切。印度最近所採取的積極參與的策略使印度得以共同參與農業自由化的協商。另一方面,晚近盛行簽訂RTA熱,雖然選擇潛在的夥伴尚值得質疑,但預料也會對印度的經濟有利。印度決策制訂者已理解到溫順作法是毫無效果的,所以未來再採取這類政策的可能性微乎其微。


印度 WTO 貿易 國際關係 區域貿易協定


Despite being a founder member of GATT, India never actively participated at the multilateral negotiations before the Uruguay Round. Even during the post-WTO period it adopted a submissive role upto the Seattle ministerial, which however changed in the subsequent period. In particular, India's voice became audible at the multilateral forums from Doha ministerial onwards. Since the Cancun ministerial, India has started actively coordinating with other developing countries at multilateral negotiations on various issues, with a focus on enhancement of market access in agriculture. Furthermore, there has been a distinct shift in attitude of India towards Regional Trade Blocs (RTAs). The current paper intends to focus on the major determinants of the shift in India's attitude and certain features of its negotiating pattern over the last decade, apart from addressing some future concerns. An earlier version of the paper has been presented at the Conference on ”WTO, FTA and RTA”, organized by Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University on April 22, 2005. I am grateful lo Mr. Jack Chen-huan Hsiao and Dr. Dipankar Sengupta for their helpful comments on an earlier draft.


India WTO trade international relation RTAs


