  • 期刊

Hypothetical Economic Impacts of East Asian Economic Integration on ASEAN and Taiwan



本文之研究主旨係以量化研究與建構模擬假設的方式來探討在不同情境下的東亞經濟合對東南亞國家及台灣之經濟影響。文中提出東亞經濟整合的四種類型的情境假設。即分別為:(1)情境一:東協國家與中國建立自由貿易區域(即東協加一模式);(2)情境二:東協國家、中國與台灣建立自由貿易區域;(3)情境三:東協國家、中國、日本與韓國形成自由貿易區域(即是東協加三模式);(4)情境四:東協國家、中國、日本、韓國與台灣成立自由貿易區域(本文稱為東協加四模式)。文中評估上述的自由貿易協定安排的方式係以全球貿易分析計畫(Global Trade Analysis Project, GTPA)作為FTA的情境量化模擬,分別評估上述不同的情境假設對東協及台灣的可能經濟影響,分別面向則包括GDP效果、貿易條件、福利效果,生產部門、進出口項目之改變等。本文的結論述及以自由貿易協安排的經濟整合係可融合各成員國間的經濟資源,藉以建構經濟安全的體制並因應經濟全球化與國內市場開放的挑戰。研究發現為倘「東協加一模式」與「東協加三模式」的二種情境分別出現,則對台灣的經濟效果呈負面的影響。相對地,如果台灣能參與區域性的經濟整合安排,諸如成立「中國-東協-台灣自由貿易區域」或是出現「東協加四的模式」,則台灣的經濟效果將呈現正向的效果且對東亞區域國家的經濟效果的供獻也最為顯著。此外,本文亦發現東協國家將是東亞經濟整合的最大受益者,它們在本文的任一情境假所計算的經濟面向皆是呈現正向的經濟效益,特別是有台灣參與的情境部份。


This paper investigates a quantitative simulation analysis on a hypothetical economic impact of East Asian Integration among regional country, mainly in Taiwan and in ASEAN, using a CGE model of global trade. Four hypothetical scenarios are elaborated including ASEAN + China, ASEAN+China+Taiwan, ASEAN+3, and, ASEAN+3+Taiwan. Two scenarios have shown that Taiwan might suffer malign economic effects due to be excluded in joining the process of East Asian Integration. In contrast, two other scenarios show that if Taiwan could join the formation of East Asian economic integration, then Taiwan and ASEAN will increase their economic performance in production and in trade. In general, the paper finds that that ASEAN will be a winner under various types of the formation of East Asian Integration. The conclusion of this paper suggests that Taiwan should implement a more aggressive economic policy to balance the challenges from regional integration. The feasible approach on it is to show the complementary attributions between Taiwan and ASEAN. If Taiwan and regional countries may integrate all sources together, then it will strengthen regional competitiveness toward global market.


ASEAN Taiwan Regional Integration CGE model
