  • 期刊

Chinese Investment in Australia: Threat or Opportunity?



1971年3月28日中國與澳大利亞正式建交,雙方經濟聯繫重新恢復。自中國改革開放,特別是20世紀90年代中期以來,雙方的經濟聯繫飛速開展,到2007年,中國已成為澳大利亞最大的交易夥伴,商品貿易額約為530億澳元。中澳雙方商品貿易快速發展的同時,中國在澳大利亞的投資也日趨活躍。中國對澳大利亞的投資始於20世紀80年代,當時是以小型服務業投資為主。近年來,中國對澳大利亞的投資增長迅速,中國大型國有企業成為主要的領軍者。 本文將探究中國在澳大利亞投資的性質與程度,特別關注資源類的投資。我們將關注中國公司為擴大利潤和確保資源供給安全而在澳大利亞投資或收購澳大利亞公司的程度,探討中澳自由貿易協定可能發揮的作用,以及不斷增加的中國在澳投資潛在的政治影響。本研究結論顯示,由於中國在世界經濟體系中日漸提高的重要性以及中澳貿易的互補性,中澳兩國的合作必將日趨密切。中國經濟持續穩定的高增長必然要求有保障的資源類產品供應來源,因此,對澳投資是理性的選擇。雖然澳大利亞有人對外國所有權心存疑慮,但是,澳大利亞需要中國的市場和投資來發展經濟,而人民幣對澳元的大幅升值更增加了澳大利亞對中國的吸引力。因此,未來中澳兩國的聯繫必然更加密切。


中國 直接投資 澳大利亞


Australia established formal diplomatic relations with China on 28 May, 1971 and their economic relations resumed from that point, growing rapidly after China's economic reform, and especially after the mid 1990s. By 2007 China was Australia's largest trading partner with a combined merchandise trade of approximately $53 billion.1 While trade in goods has been significant, principally Australian natural resources in exchange for China's manufactured goods, an emerging area of economic activity is China's investment in Australia. Some Chinese investments appeared in Australia in the 1980s but primarily small investments in the services industry. But, Chinese FDI in Australia has increased rapidly in recent years, led by large Chinese state-owned enterprises. This paper explores the nature and extent of China's investments in Australia, with a particular focus on the resources sector. It looks at the extent to which Chinese companies are investing in or buying outright Australian companies, in order to maximize their profits as well as security of supply. In this respect China's investments parallel those of Japan in earlier decades. Issues raised include the extent to which China must compete with Japan in the resources sector, Australian resistance to Chinese investments, the potential impact of a China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, and the political implications of an increasing level of Chinese investment in Australia.


