  • 期刊

Improvement of Green-Hohenberger Adaptive Oblivious Transfer: A Review


In TCC'2011, Green and Hohenberger proposed an adap- tive oblivious transfer (OT) scheme based on Decisional 3-Party Diffie-Hellman (3DDH) assumption. The encryp- tion used in the scheme is a combination of Boneh-Boyen identity-based encryption and a variation of Hohenberger- Waters signature. The OT scheme is somewhat inefficient because it combines the two underlying schemes in a very simple way without making any optimizations. In this pa- per, we present a review on the Green-Hohenberger OT scheme and put forth a concrete improvement. We also show its security under 3DDH assumption. We think the optimizing skills developed in the paper are helpful for designing and analyzing other cryptographic schemes.
