  • 期刊

Attribute Based Encryption with Efficient Revocation from Lattices


Attribute-based encryption (ABE) can be used in many cloud storage and computing applications, and it is an attractive alternative to identity-based encryption. The feature of the ABE is that it provides a flexible mechanism to achieve fine-grained access control. The revocable ABE (RABE) is an extension of the ABE. The attribute revocation is essential because of the factors such as changes of user's attributes, key exposures and key loss. In this paper, we propose a revocable ciphertext policy ABE (CP-RABE) scheme from lattices, which supports flexible access control and efficient revocation. In our scheme, a binary tree with an attribute revocation list is used to revoke attributes, and key update is logarithmically related to the number of each user attribute. Finally, the security of the scheme is proved to be selective-attribute secure in the standard model and security can be reduced to hardness of learning with error assumption.
