  • 期刊

Identity-based Public Key Cryptographic Primitive with Delegated Equality Test Against Insider Attack in Cloud Computing


The notion of attacks perpetuated by an insider (cloud server) is paramount in this era of cloud computing and data analytics. When a cloud server is delegated with certain responsibilities, it is possible for a cloud server to peddle with users' encrypted data for profit gains. The cloud server takes advantage of it's authorization to launch what we referred to as insider attack. We put forward a new improved scheme on identity-based public key cryptographic primitive which integrate delegated equality test to resist insider attack in cloud computing. Our scheme resist the insider attack perpetuated by the cloud server (insider). We refer to our new scheme as identity-based public key cryptographic primitive with delegated equality test against insider attack in cloud computing (IB-PKC-DETIA). We construct our scheme using a witness based cryptographic primitive with an added pairing operation. Our scheme achieves weak indistinquishable identity chosen ciphertext (W-IND-ID-CCA) security using the random oracle model.
