  • 期刊


The Value, Illustrations, andJustifications of Applying Economic Analysis to the Fair Trade Law


自「法律經濟分析」(law and economics)於60年代於興起於美國後,多年來已成為美國及全球法學界所高度重視的一項法學方法論。其相關的分析方法,廣泛地被運用於各法律學門,對法解釋與法政策制定產生深遠的影響。本文擬以與法律經濟分析淵源最深,互動關係最密切的反托拉斯法(或稱競爭法、我國則稱之為公平交易法)為例,說明經濟分析於法學中適用之功能與價值,並輔以具體之法規與案例說明,例示經濟分析對於公平法立法目的、主體規定、市場力判斷、聯合行為構成要件、結合矯正措施、以及公平法設置地方主管機關等實體與制度設計規定,有何與典型法學分析方法不同及相輔相成之處。論文最後以經濟分析適用於公平法所經常出現的質疑,以及依個人淺見所提出的回應作結。


Since its emergence in the United States in the 1960s, Law and Economics has become a methodology highly valued by American and global legal communities. Its analytical approaches have been widely applied to various legal subjects and have generated farreaching impacts on legal interpretation and policy making. This paper uses antitrust law (competition law, or the Fair Trade Law in Taiwan), which historically has been the law most closely related and interactive to economic analysis, as an example to demonstrate the function and value of economic analysis in law. Coupled with case illustrations, this paper shows how economic differs from or complements with traditional legal analysis in issues such as the legislative purposes, governable subject matters, measurement of market power, determination of collusive behavior, designs of merger remedies and necessity of establishing local enforcement agencies of the Fair Trade Law. This paper concludes with a discussion of some of the critiques questioning the validity of incorporating economic analysis into the Fair Trade Law and the author's responses to those concerns.


