  • 期刊


The development of study in state and county of northern Song dynasty




The researches on education in Song dynasty focus on official study, policies of educational institutions such as academies and schools and people's educational idea generally. There are fewer researches on the level of specific execution in county and state. Scholars have always studied the development of local official study in Song dynasty with references such as History of Song(《宋史》), Wenxian tongkao (《文獻通考》), Song huiyao jigao(《宋會要輯稿》) and Song yuan xue an(《宋元學案》). This paper focuses on state and county learning document which means scholars write the process of the school construction and relocation into prose. Although, as a carrier of local prefectures and counties, learning prose appeared in the middle Tang dynasty but failed to become a common practice. This article arranges the state and county studies in the northern Song dynasty through Quan song wen (《全宋文》). The huge development of study in state and county of northern Song dynasty speeds up during the three large-scale school building campaign. It reflects that the study of state and county is an important historical document for the study of local official education in Song dynasty.


﹙唐﹚梁肅:〈崑山縣學記〉,載清.董誥等人編:《全唐文》﹙北京:中華書局,2001 年四刷版﹚,卷 519。
﹙唐﹚舒元輿:〈問國學記〉,載清.董誥等人編:《全唐文》﹙北京:中華書局,2001 年四刷版﹚,卷 727。
﹙唐﹚皮日休:〈襄州孔子廟學記〉,載清.董誥等人編:《全唐文》﹙北京:中華書局,2001 年四刷版﹚,卷 797。
﹙宋﹚李燾:《續資治通鑑長編》﹙北京:中華書局,2004 年﹚。
﹙宋﹚史堯弼:《蓮峰集》﹙臺北:臺灣商務印書館,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第 1165 冊,1983 年﹚。
