  • 期刊


Inborn nature as the fundamental structure while feudal code of ethics as the practice:constructing the concept of gender thinking among aristocratic females in Wei and Jin Dynasties




魏晉 女性 性別 材質


In Chinese tradition, the biological and physical difference between males' and females' bodies was constructed by a concept which indicated that qui formed human bodies. From cultural perspective, the hierarchical structure and order of the society was developed by androcentrism. The concept that women were housemakers while men were breadwinners explained the assignment of responsibility between genders. Women were regulated by feudal code of ethics to make sure that they would not trespass their ascribed gender role.The metaphysicians in Wei and Jin Dynasties reexamined the gender difference with a new interpretation of the concept of Yin and Yan, which allowed the people of that era to look at the demonstration of inborn female talent with a more tolerant and admiring attitude. Women from aristocratic families, with excellent family upbringing and economic conditions, enjoyed a higher possibility of free spirit and autonomous demonstration of talent.


Wei and Jin Dynasties female gender qui characteristics


(漢)王充撰,劉盼遂集解:《論衡集解》,臺北:世界書局,1958 年。
(漢)董仲舒撰,凌曙注:《春秋繁露》,臺北:臺灣商務,1976 年。
